Sunday, June 28, 2020

What evil lurks at the end of that cotton swab?

My wife was talking last week to somebody who is afraid to be tested for COVID-19 because it’s another way the government can implant tracking devices into our bodies.

I’m trying to imagine what this looks like. Maybe nanotechnology is lurking on the cotton swab used for the test, inserted up the nose and boring into the brain, all while some seemingly benign nurse or doctor makes small talk about the weather.

Or perhaps the trackers are implanted subcutaneously via a touchless thermometer that acts like a mini nail-gun — HeadOn! Apply directly to the forehead! — opening a cerebral window for the government to exploit. We could then become unwitting assets for shadowy, alphabet-soup organizations, able to seize control of us whenever they want.

I’m not sure why any agency folks would want to spy on me, let alone use me as an assassin.

I mean, every once in a while I forget to recycle a milk jug and throw it away in the trash. I am a glutton for potato chips and french-onion dip. And I still owe Columbia House for a bunch of cassette tapes I bought for what I thought was just a penny back in 1984.

That’s about the extent of my nefariousness.

People who worry about tests and vaccines on the premise of pure privacy don’t realize how much personal information Americans willingly surrender every day.

We allow third-party apps on our phones to access a proverbial boatload of data about our whereabouts and shopping habits. Some of this information is used to match us to other products we might enjoy, and some of it is sold to still other organizations.

Much of the information is aggregated, so it can’t be (easily) matched to individual users. Still, those are a lot of data points and numbers for computers to crunch and for marketers to exploit.

And these are verifiable uses, not sci-fi extrapolations.

Let me go on record as saying I don’t believe the government is implanting tracking devices into our bodies — not through COVID-19 testing or any vaccines on the horizon.

How do I know? Well, I guess I don’t, except I know human nature. Perpetrators have been unable to stay quiet about far less complicated criminal activities, including a bungled burglary at the Watergate and alleged Russian collusion in the 2016 election that seems obvious to everybody except Republicans.

The amount of coordination and collusion necessary to pull off the insertion of tracking devices into Americans — again, for the purpose of ... what, exactly? ... even if it were technically and financially feasible — would dwarf any past government secret initiative by a power of ten.

Yet such ideas persist, taking root in the country’s psyche much more deeply than any microscopic GPS device ever could.

Part of it is self-aggrandizement. We want to believe that we are more essential than we are, that somebody out there would find us important enough to track, manipulate, control.

Part of it is an appalling failure of the education system to teach critical discernment that could safeguard us from such conspiracy theories. The same phones and devices with which we so willingly share credit-card and social-security numbers give us, in return, access to a wealth of misinformation.

Much of this bogus material is trussed up in very appealing ways. It is cleanly typeset. It links to other sources, some reliable and many not, lending a sheen of authenticity to the spurious portions. Going down the Internet rabbithole is fast and easy, and what begins with facts quickly devolves into made-up stories about George Soros being a reptile and the Illuminati controlling our procreation.

We live in a society where the legitimate news media have been vilified — not completely without cause, I’ll grant you — and where unscrupulous players can use that vilification to cast doubt on everything we read and hear, including situations where contradictions are part of the natural course of evolving stories.

Take COVID infection and death numbers, which will fluctuate as monitoring systems become more robust. It is understandable numbers will change, sometimes dramatically, which does not mean that all the data is fabricated or that the coronavirus is a global conspiracy.

Ultimately, though, baseless conspiracy theories persist because they are just plain fun. So maybe your boss isn’t a scaly monster from Venus. But that guy who lives down the street? Hey.

Still, “fun” is not a valid reason to eschew science.

You’re not going to die from wearing a mask at the grocery store. You’re not going to get a tracker implanted from being tested for the coronavirus.

Let’s get real and focus on real problems.

Like murder hornets. Remember them? They’re still out there, and they still want to take our blood to their masters in the center of the (flat) earth.

@cschillig on Twitter

Monday, June 22, 2020

What About Scarlet and Elmer?

Talk about strange bedfellows: Both Scarlet O’Hara and Elmer Fudd are in the crosshairs of current culture wars.

For “fiddle-dee-dee” Scarlet, protagonist of “Gone With the Wind,” it’s that movie’s romanticization of Southern life that has become problematic. HBO Max pulled the film from its streaming service last week, with promises that the big-screen adaptation of Margaret Mitchell’s antebellum classic will return with additional context, likely a disclaimer or a scholarly introduction. It came back within a week.

The film’s removal by HBO ignited some online kerfuffles, especially when former Fox News and NBC personality Megyn Kelly, she of the Santa-is-white and blackface-is-sometimes-OK sentiments, weighed in.

And here’s something you won’t hear me say often: I agree with Kelly’s assessment. She tweeted, in part, that “you can loathe bad cops, racism, sexism, bias against the LGBTQ community, and not censor historical movies, books, music and art that don’t portray those groups perfectly. Ppl understand art reflects life ... as we evolve, so do our cultural touchstones.” (The ellipses are Kelly’s.)

Suddenly, GWTW is hot again, shooting to the top of Amazon’s sales lists, maybe on the mistaken belief that it is going away forever. (For the record, I regularly see the movie in those ubiquitous $5 bins at Walmart, leading me to believe there are probably 1.27 copies of GWTW for each American who might want to own one.)

HBO Max is within its rights to reissue the movie with some sort of disclaimer or discussion of the movie’s racist undertones. After all, the film spotlights the struggles of one wealthy Euro-American woman over the anguish of all Southern enslaved peoples, and the entire film is a flowery love letter to a way of life that should be repugnant to all.

What would be wrong would be suppressing it completely and denying audiences opportunities to see and debate it.

Similar arguments could be made for the retention of the Confederate flag or statues of Southern generals in public venues, I suppose, but a key difference is that both statues and flags can be moved to museums, where the same level of critical context attached to problematic old films can be provided.

In a museum, the flag can be studied for its design or the statues for their craftsmanship, without having to subscribe to racist perspectives, often disguised as “legacy,″ attached to arguments for display in public parks and thoroughfares.

A disclaimer is no different, really, than the introductions added to books like “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” that explain Mark Twain’s use of the n-word. With GWTW, any pre-film explanation is similar in intent to the oft-mocked title scrolls across many classic cartoon collections, noting that they are “intended for the adult collector and may not be suitable for children,” as though the viewer were about to embark on a perusal of “Debbie Does Dallas” and not endless retreads of Bugs Bunny one upping Daffy Duck or the Coyote trying in vain to capture Road Runner.

And speaking of Warner Bros. cartoons, what about hapless Elmer Fudd, who fell into his own Acme vat of controversy recently, also related to HBO Max?

Word eked out that a new series of Looney Toons on the streaming service featured Fudd and Yosemite Sam without their deadly accoutrements.

At least one modern day Looney Toons writer noted that there weren’t many gags associated with Fudd’s rifle or Yosemite’s six-shooters that a) hadn’t already been done and b) would be appropriate in a society where gun violence has reached epidemic proportions.

That hasn’t stopped Elmer from suddenly appearing across social media sites, a modern-day, Second Amendment-supporting version of hapless Pepe the Frog, another character co-opted by conservatives to bemoan what they see as a loss of “traditional” values.

But new cartoons featuring classic characters behaving in different ways in no way invalidates the old versions. It’s not like those old cartoons vanished from collections; they’re still there, with the characters behaving in familiar ways.

It is a dangerous proposition to begin censoring art, and I’m willing to go to the mat in my insistence that commercial films like GWTW and vintage cartoons are just as worthy of protection and preservation as more high-falutin forms.

Sometimes, though, the venue and the presentation have to be tweaked, as is the case with older films and new presentations of old characters. It is up to the audiences, then, to debate the merits and shortcomings of each.

Censorship, no. Context, yes.

@cschillig on Twitter

Whatever the Problem, Education Is the Solution

Years ago, I taught a writing class at a community college. One of the assignments was a problem-and-solution paper.

As the paper’s name indicated, students would select a concern in their personal lives, community or the world, and then explain steps that could be taken to solve or at least alleviate it.

The assignment was unfair. Many of these problems, in one form or another, have bedeviled society for millennia. Asking students to identify one and solve it in 500 to 750 words was unrealistic, even if they drilled down and dealt with only one specific aspect of a larger issue.

Students used to laugh at me because, as I wandered among peer-review groups and listened to participants read their papers aloud (reading aloud being the single best piece of writing advice I have ever received, and one that I try to impart to my own classes), I would always offer the same solution: education.

Homelessness? Education, for both the people living on the streets, to train them for in-demand work, to help them find resources to get them off the streets; and for the greater community, to help them realize the complex, underlying causes of homelessness, to develop empathy.

Obesity? Education, to help people recognize the relationship among diet, exercise and weight, and to help them recognize hidden biases they may have toward people based on size.

Climate change? Education.

War? Education.

Problems in education? Education.

Of course, there are solutions beyond education. Many of these problems need money thrown and a spotlight shone, so to speak, but both of those actions start with awareness, which is nothing but education with a “woke” name.

In some cases, I said, the only reasonable course of action was to point readers toward one or more possible solutions, with the caveat that getting the majority of people to move in one direction on anything is always harder than one thinks.

Fast-forward to 2020 and here we are, societally, struggling with another generations-old problem, racism, specifically as it has revealed itself through policing in the wake of George Floyd’s murder.

Over the past few weeks, we’ve heard a lot about “defunding the police,” a course of action that, as other commentators have pointed out, seems designed as a rallying cry for conservatives who want to indicate how out of touch progressives are with the “real world.”

I argue the issue is one of semantics, which in no way lessens the danger of saddling a viable solution with a loaded title. “Defunding” doesn’t mean — or doesn’t have to mean — actually abolishing the concept of police. Instead, it can and should mean shifting priorities and funding to deal with more of the health and welfare of underserved communities.

Of course, we still need police departments and people who are willing to protect our communities. But do police officers need access to full “battle rattle,” a level of armor and weaponry formerly reserved for the military, when some of our medical providers are battling COVID garbed in trash bags and recycled face masks? That money could be better spent addressing gaps in the American way of life — systemic racism, for example — and building a system of scaffolding to lift people out of poverty, substance abuse, and other challenges to upward mobility.

But before we do all that, we have to recognize there is a problem. And the best way to do that is — surprise! — education.

I’m continuing my own education on the issue of racism with a book that comes highly recommended from several fronts — “Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, and Do,” by Jennifer Eberhardt, a Stanford psychologist.

I can’t recommend the book myself as I haven’t yet read it. It’s on backorder,a good sign that others are also looking to increase their knowledge and understanding.

Of course, Eberhardt’s book is hardly the only one on the topic of hidden biases. I’m open to other suggestions, too, and I hope readers will share them.

If you search for The Next Big Idea Club online, that organization is offering a free e-study of “Biased.” I’ll be participating in that, as well.

This process of education takes time, and we are well past any reasonable deadline when systemic racism should have been dealt with. But we can’t let that stop us from taking the steps needed to make the world a better place for everybody, late though we are.

Defund the police? No. Reimagine and rebuild policing? Yes.

What that will look like is a problem worth solving.

@cschillig on Twitter

Friday, June 5, 2020

Just Trump being Trump

When I was a kid, my mom would sometimes call me Maytag because I was such an agitator.

I could rile up her or my sister not with grandiose actions but with small ones — whispering the same word again and again, tapping a pencil on a counter, making some weird noise or facial gesture.

Over time, those small behaviors, repeated, would elicit angry responses. When they did, I was good at appearing innocent or acting aggrieved. In reality, I knew exactly what I was doing.

We are a few decades removed from Maytag making sense as a nickname — is the company still synonymous with the spindles in washing machines? — but it’s a sobriquet I use often where President Donald Trump is concerned.

In the last three and a half years, we’ve seen his tendency toward agitation many times. If Trump’s presidency were a symphony of disruption, then the volume has increased over the last three months, reaching what could be a crescendo in the last week.

With the COVID-19 pandemic, for example, Trump would say one thing publicly, and then slither back to the White House and tweet something contradictory. For example, he would announce support for plans to reopen the country slowly, based on science and evidence, only to tweet criticism of governors for doing exactly that and attaboys for protestors marching on statehouses, demanding immediate repeal of stay-at-home orders.

Just Trump being Trump, both his supporters and critics said. “Maytag,” I said.

Trump’s erratic, aberrant behaviors had become so accepted, so normalized, that most people on either side of the aisle just shrugged their shoulders. It was the price his followers felt acceptable to get a few more conservative judges on the bench and a few more tax cuts for the wealthy on the books.

But now Trump’s proclivity for agitation is being seen for what it is — a liability in a crisis. Coupled with the president’s thin skin and apparently deep-seated insecurities, it serves only to inflame already tense standoffs between protestors and police in cities across the country.

Last week, for example, Trump, smarting from his portrayal as a leader cowering in the basement of the White House (which led to an alliterative Twitter hashtag that can’t be printed in a family newspaper), decided a photo op was just the thing to strengthen his sagging poll numbers and calm a disgruntled nation.i

So after a weekend of tough-guy tweets and a raucous phone conversation where he called governors “weak” and advised them that they “didn’t have to be too careful” in dealing with their fellow Americans, he addressed the nation from the Rose Garden (more mostly Mafioso-style talk and threats of using the military domestically) and then sauntered over to St. John’s Episcopal Church.

But in a series of events that would be comical if they weren’t by turns so sad and alarming, police had been ordered to move peaceful protesters away from the church because they were standing where the president wanted to go.

So out came the flash grenades and the chemical sprays, clearing the area so the president could pose for a photo in front of the building, holding a Bible, maybe upside down, thus commandeering the iconography of religion to demonstrate ...

Well, nobody can be quite sure what President Trump was trying to demonstrate. Strength wrapped in scripture? God’s ninja enforcer? A modern-day savior driving out the money changers?

Whatever it was, it was roundly criticized by Episcopalian leadership, even as it was embraced by far-right Christian nationalists who were seemingly unfazed by the contradiction of violently removing protestors so the president could use symbols of peace as a prop.

At its heart, the entire incident was more time squandered that could have been better spent listening to protesters, hearing their legitimate concerns about systemic racism, and proposing substantive changes in the way police departments around the nation respond to people of color.

Instead, his ill-advised mission accomplished, Trump retreated to the safety of his Twitter bunker, where he could act aggrieved that coverage of the event wasn’t as glowingly positive as he had imagined in his fevered dreams.

Deeming it all “Fake News,” Maytag Trump has resumed his role as agitator in chief, retweeting his favorite Fox News talking points, along with “LAW & ORDER” and other examples of what passes for conciliation and hope in this long, sordid spin cycle.

@cschillig on Twitter